Sunday, June 17, 2012

Creating a second blog..

In hindsight, had I known from the beginning that my blog would become what it has (several teaching subjects and many postings), I would have made it simpler.  With this in mind, I have decided to move the Discipleship teachings (past teachings and future ones) to it's own separate blog entitled, "Growing as a Disciple of Christ".  You can find it here.  I will gradually be deleting the past postings on Discipleship from this blog and moving them to my new, second blog.  I'm sorry if this causes problems, but I think that in the end it will be better for it to have it's own separate place.  Thank you for your patience and I hope that you enjoy both of my blogs!  As always, feel free to comment.


Mary Lamoray said...

Sounds great Fiona...make sure to put a link for people to be able to follow you. :)

FionaB said...

Thanks, Mary. Will be sure to do that :)