Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Introduction to Growing Beyond your Painful Past

Over the years as I've been doing counseling, I've come to discover that there's often a common theme that runs through the counseling session.  Even when doing marriage counseling, where there's two individuals who want help with their relationship, that theme still shows up.  The theme is simply this...many people have been hurt, whether intentionally or unintentionally, by people in their lives, and it's this hurt, the emotional baggage, or scars,  the lessons they learned while growing up, their acting out on what they believe to be true about life and themselves, that is often at the root of their difficulties in life.

My hope is that I will be able to help you see where you may be stuck, or to understand why you react the way you do, why you don't feel quite "normal".  We'll cover several topics as we go along.  I'll try to not only give you insight into why you may be acting the way you are or feel the way you do about life, but will endeavor to give you the tools and practical steps to help you move closer to living a happier, more fulfilled life... but more importantly, you'll be able and motivated to reach out and grab hold of what God has planned for your life.  You can read it at http://fionab-growingbeyondyourpainfulpast.blogspot.com/

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