Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Important information to share with you...

My friends...I'm going to have to reduce the frequency of how often I post to this blog as it's really taking a toll on me.  I have been experiencing a significant increase in my back and neck pain as a result of being on the computer too much.

As I have several teachings I am doing, I have been trying to do at least one post per week,  per teaching, which has meant I spend a lot of time writing on the computer.  I cannot keep up this pace, as much as I love doing this blog.  I fully intend to continue my teachings on the various topics, but at a slower pace.  I hope you understand as I don't want to overdo it to the point where I have to stop blogging completely.  Thank you all for your support, especially you "lurkers" :)


Unknown said...

I sure can relate to this post Fiona. I think I'll be having a hip replacement in the near future...already have both knees replaced...hubby says I'm becoming Biotic!!!! heheheh

FionaB said...

Bevie: Hope your hip replacement goes well! I'm back at the computer (as you can probably tell) and my back/neck are giving me trouble...but I just find it gives me the creative outlet I need now that I can no longer work outside the home. We'll both be bionic pretty soon :)