Friday, June 22, 2012

Leaving the nest...

A few weeks ago, I noticed a robin sitting on a nest on a wreath by our front door.  She must have built it pretty quickly and then laid her eggs.  She flew off before I could take her photo but here's the nest that has 4 eggs in it

So, she sat on the eggs for a couple of weeks and before you know it you see several hungry mouths sticking their heads out of the nest, waiting to be fed.  Then, almost overnight, they grew too big for their nest...can you see all four birds here?

When I went out yesterday, there were only three birds left and the mother robin was chirping at me, warning me to get away.  This morning, when I looked out of the kitchen window I saw mother robin with one of the babies, trying to teach it to fly.  So, I decided to go back out to the nest and see how many were left.  I was surprised to see that three had left.  Here's a photo of the last one waiting for his flying lesson and to become independent.

I could hear mother Robin chirping off in the distance, probably concerned between protecting her last baby and teaching her other ones how to fly.  It reminded me of how as humans we can be concerned between having two things to take care of, and being at a loss as to which one to focus on.  But, our Heavenly Father, is omnipotent so He can focus on all of us at the same time.  Think about that for a minute...being able to focus on every single human being on the planet at the same time and know what's going on in each of our lives...WOW!!  So, don't ever think that you are insignificant or forgotten by God...He is the only one in the universe that has the ability to be concerned about you and everyone else at the same time.  Now that's being loved and cared for!

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