Sunday, July 8, 2012

Beginning a third blog soon...

As some of my teachings are becoming rather long (the reason I decided to give "Growing as a Disciple of Christ" it's own blog) , I have decided to do the same with "Growing beyond Your Painful Past."

I feel that people interested in certain topics will find it easier and beneficial to have all the teachings located in one place.  So, I will begin transferring the teachings from "Growing beyond Your Painful Past" to it's own blog here.

As it will take some time to make this transition, and since I don't want to stop writing new teachings on the subject, you will find the new posts here as I go through the transition over the next couple of days of moving the old posts to this new blog site.  After that is complete, all new blog postings will be done on this new site.  Sorry for the inconvenience, but in the end I think it will be best to keep all the subject matter together.

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