Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Not feeling very well, lately

For those of you who follow my blog on a regular basis, you'll notice I haven't posted in some time.  I've been dealing with my ongoing health issues and need to take some time off from working on my blog.

I believe there will be enough material under the " Pages" titles on the right side of my blog to give you enough to read until I feel better.  Would appreciate your thoughts and prayers.  Thank you!


Dianne ... Walking In His Grace said...

I am fairly new to your blog and I do hope and pray that the Lord will pour out His Grace upon you, and bring healing to your body, and renew your strength. I will come back and do some reading when I get a chance.
Take care and rest in Him. Thank you for all you share. May God Bless You.
Dianne :)

FionaB said...

Thank you Dianne. Feeling a bit better, but also know that being on the computer is one of the things that adds to my pain, so giving my body some time off. Besides, I think with Spring here, more people tend to be doing outside things, so will probably wait and resume things towards the end of Summer/Fall. If I feel better before that, then I may resume it earlier. Thanks again for your prayers!